$EGG Tokenomics

Token name: chikn egg (EGG)

Contract: 0x7761E2338B35bCEB6BdA6ce477EF012bde7aE611

Initial supply: 2 million (2,000,000) $EGG

Max supply: Uncapped

EGG/AVAX on Trader Joe

$EGG is a fair-launch token, meaning that there was no pre-sale. The initial supply distribution was as follows:

  • 1 million (1,000,000) $EGG airdropped equally to all 10,000 chikn (100 $EGG each) with no prior advertising or announcement of the fact.

  • 1 million $EGG reserved for liquidity, to keep the ecosystem functionally optimally and with minimal slippage.

An additional 52 million (52,000,000) $EGG was allocated to various smart contracts and wallets to support ecosystem functions. This $EGG is programmed to unlock weekly over the first two years of operations. The details of these allocations are as follows:

$EGG supply is uncapped—all chikn will lay $EGG forever. Despite the token being uncapped, functions within the Chikn game and broader ecosystem are designed to counteract token inflation and, eventually, surpass emission rates to create a deflationary token.

At launch, 10,000 roosted chikn at a minimum size of 1 KG released tokens at a rate of 10,000 $EGG per day. As the KG of roosted chikn increases, this rate will approach a hypothetical maximum of around 120,000 $EGG per day.

It’s important to note that chikn KG cannot grow forever, and therefore there is a point at which the rate of $EGG production will stop increasing. $FEED tokens are required to increase the KG (and rate of $EGG emission), and $FEED tokens have a hard supply cap. Once $FEED runs out and all $FEED is fed to chikn, $EGG emissions will be fixed. See the section on $FEED for more information.

To estimate the total supply over the first 24 months, we used the following projections:

  • $EGG laid by chikn over 24 months: ~63 million $EGG

  • Total supply in the first 24 months (factoring in ecosystem allocations): ~116 million $EGG

It’s important to note that these are only estimates. The actual figure will depend on the total KG of roosted chikn which is determined by players who use $FEED to increase the size of their chikn.

The circulating supply of $EGG at any given time will be impacted by:

  • $EGG emission rates as determined by Roost KG.

  • The ways that players can burn $EGG in the game and broader ecosystem.

  • Amount of tokens permanently locked in liquidity (see the FarmLand NFT Mint Mechanics section for more details on liquidity locking).

The only way to mint new $EGG is to have a chikn NFT laying them for you. If you want to get involved, grab a chook and get laying.

Last updated