Non-Custodial Staking Mechanics
Chikn ecosystem NFTs leverage our powerful non-custodial staking contracts in-game. When a player roosts a chikn or Roostr or activates a FarmLand, the NFT remains in their wallet. These NFTs are still usable in-game and can be upgraded, even though they remain custodied by the player.
Non-custodial staking also means that players can list their NFTs for sale while they’re still using them in-game. Players can continue using these NFTs up until the moment they’re sold, at which point they’re transferred to their new loving owner.
Roosted chikn transfer with all unclaimed $EGG from the Roost. This means that the purchasing player will have access to any unclaimed $EGG the chikn laid.
Roosted Roostr transfer with all unclaimed $FERT from the Roost. This means the purchasing player will have access to any unclaimed $FERT.
Activated FarmLand do not transfer with unclaimed LP Farm rewards. Any unclaimed LP Farm rewards are instead lost upon transfer.
WormFarms are sold with their associated FarmLand. This means that the WormFarm’s tunnel depth and Wormcount are transferred with the sale.
When an NFT linked to an active forage is sold, the forage is canceled and any potential rewards are forfeited. Note that individual chikn and Roostr forage separately, so the sale of one NFT in an active forage will not impact the other foraging birds.
Items attached to a transferring NFT are unequipped and returned to the player's off-chain inventory.
Clicking on most NFTs reveals the additional metadata associated with their Roost or WormFarm, and the community has developed some third-party tools that allow you to check unclaimed $EGG and $FERT. See the Toolboks for a full list of these tools.
Last updated