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"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes, and chikn lay $EGG."
– Henjamin Franklin
$EGG is the central token in the Chikn ecosystem, with a range of utilities within the game. It was the first fungible token launched by Chikn and is produced by roosted (staked) chikn NFTs.
There is no hard cap on $EGG. chikn will always lay $EGG.
$EGG is needed to:
Grow Roostr KG and produce $FERT
Add liquidity for LP Farming
Increase FarmLand Bigness
Dig in your WormFarm
Initiate a forage
Use the Chikn Name Service (CNS) and Roost Name Service (RNS)
Participate in gamified NFT launches through Eggnite
$EGG starts with roosting a chikn. Biggr chikn lay more $EGG than smol chikn. Assuming all chikn reach a hefty size of 45 KG each, there is a hypothetical maximum emission rate of around 120,000 $EGG per day.
When chikn lay $EGG, the tokens accumulate in the player’s roost. The player can choose to claim the $EGG at any time and transfer them to their wallet.